South Jersey boudoir photographer

Custom Newborn Photos Marlton Studio

Custom newborn photos Marlton studio

Beautiful little Charlotte came in for custom newborn photos in our Marlton studio. We used beautiful lace from her nursery bedding to create complimentary images.


I love how beautiful these turned out. Mom and dad bought a few large prints for the nursery that will look perfect in her room.


We also did some of our custom digital artwork for them and created these two beautiful prints:


These are some of our most requested newborn photos for girls.

Mom and dad met at a Philadelphia Flyers game (mom was a Flyer girl) so we HAD to do a Flyers themed photo and baby girl even gave us this sweet smile. Guess she’s a fan too!

Philadelphia Flyers Newborn Photo
And here of course are some of our simple images which highlight baby’s sweetness and newness.


Custom newborn photos is something I love to do. It makes the images even more special and personal to you and your family.

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